Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shelf Stealers

As I said in my last post, here I am with all sorts of links and stuff to my publisher. I still blush when I say publisher because it sounds to me like I'm all full of myself that I could actually have a publisher *pinch, pinch*. A publisher for my novel that will be published. My novel that you will be able to hold in your hands or read on your Kindle thanks to my publisher. Published....

Now that I've gotten that out of my system let me introduce you to the folks who have made this post possible:

Shelf Stealers

Shelf Stealers is a new publishing company with the right kind of plan to make it in this changing industry. With their focus on e-books and audiobooks they intend on growing with the increasing demand for electronic reading. However, along with that, they are still intent on making paper books available for paper snobs (like me) but keeping the costs down to a minimum.

However, that's not all. With the industry in such flux, they also have a slew of new ideas they are bringing to the table in order to draw more readers. One is their Clear Eyes program designed to bring free audio books to the blind, and the second is their Watch Our Writers. This one is still in the works but basically, you can watch your favorite author work on his or her next project. You can hear their thought process and see what the Shelf Stealers editors have to say as they go along. You will also be able to buy the book a chapter at a time before it comes out. To me, as the author, that sounds like some very satisfying work although it could prove stressful during those moments of self-flogging and writer's block. As as a reader, I would find it intriguing to see another author's process.

Shelf Stealers is actively searching for great books right now and aren't afraid to take on debut authors (like me), authors with small audiences and even self-published authors as long as it is quality writing. They will even give you feedback on your submission with a feedback form. If you're interested in submitting to them, look over all the info they have on their awesome site and then go to the submissions page.

Oh and just for fun, check out my real live author profile on the Shelf Stealers website here.

You tell me: what do you think about the Watch Our Writer's program? As a writer, would you want to participate? As a reader, would you want to follow the authors journey?


  1. Great post! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to see how things progress.

    I think the Watch Our Writers is a good idea in theory, but I wonder about being able to buy the book chapter by chapter. I think it'd be very difficult as a writer, you know that the finished book goes through a million revisions before being published, I think it'd be a lot ot pressure to have each chapter perfect and not have the chance to go back and revise or change things.

    I'm sure they've thought of that and have worked it out. I love the idea as a reader of being able to see the writer's progress.

  2. Christauna you are amazing and I can not wait to be one of your first customers for your book. You should be at Costco where you can sign your books. I always love those authors because you get to meet them. so proud we are part of your family!


your two cents